
Assignment,Folding,Submission — rachel.june.park @ 1:09 pm

Raised in Korea, I’ve been very familiar with origami since I was a child. When the assignment was given, I tired to find the solution in the original form of origami and folding, and I realized that I am repeating something. I got a feeling that I was stuck, so i gathered all the origamis that i made for this project and tried to find the clue where i was stuck, and I realized that they were all made out of origami paper. I decided to change the material. I thought of many different materials and decided to use Aluminum foil, and chose a crane as a subject, because that is what I think the most basic definition of origami. The Foil Crane that I created  theoretically should look stronger than paper crane, but it actually looks more fragile because of its tangibility.


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