
Artists,Folding,Reference — carolinavogt @ 1:26 pm

I first came across this website and learned about a variety of artists who use paper as their primary medium, along with origami artists, I read about the multitude of techniques within origami.

I found Ingrid Siliakus and Richard Sweeny’s work to be most intriguing.
An Example of Ingrid Silikaus's Paper Structures
Ingrid Siliakus makes sculptural forms out of paper. This is a unique form of origami because in a sense it represents a contradiction, as well as a way to take architecture out of its normal context. Architectural structures are typically thought to be concrete, yet these structures are simply made from paper therefore it brings on the question of whether  Ingrid’s sculptures  are simple mecets of structures, or architectural structures themselves.


An Example of Richard Sweeny's Geo Paper Shapes
Richard Sweeny creates sculptural geometric forms possessed an elegance that one typically does not allocate to paper.

I then decided to look up how to go about making these two types of origami styles, and found these tutorials to be the most helpful:
(this type of origami is considered “Kirigami”)


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