Grading form

Uncategorized — Ali Momeni @ 5:55 pm

In response to reality… Ron Mueck and Adel abdessemed

Artists — Ali Momeni @ 7:28 pm

Ronald “Ron” Mueck (b. 1958 in Melbourne, Australia)

Adel Abdessemed (b. 1971 in Constantine, Algeria) 

The Kitsch

Readings — Ali Momeni @ 3:43 pm


  1. The Kitsch on Wikipedia
  2. Excerpts from The Artificial Kingdom by Celeste Olalquiaga (Reference: Amazon, CMU Library, Low Quality Scans: here)

Opportunity: Spring 2013 SURG DEADLINE: OCTOBER 24th

Grant,Opportunity — Ali Momeni @ 5:03 pm


SURG Deadline:  October 24, 2012

Research Support is Available for all Disciplines–the Humanities, Social Science and Arts, Business, Computer Science, Engineering, and the Sciences

Informationand Proposal

NOTE:  SURG Proposal Writing Sessions

Wednesday, October 10   12:00-1:00 p.m.  UC/Rangos 3
Wednesday, October 17    4:30-5:30 p.m.   UC/Peter/Wright/McKenna Rooms

Small Undergraduate Research Grants (SURG) are open to ALL undergraduates in any discipline, freshman-seniors.  Grants are available of up to $500 for single entries and up to $1,000 for group entries to cover such things as the costs of supplies and materials, time on laboratory equipment, or travel toanother city for archives.

The deadline for Spring 2013 SURG proposals is Wednesday, October 24th at 5:00 PM .  Apply online at  We strongly recommend that you attend the SURG Proposal Writing Sessions.  It is the quality of the proposal that determines who is selected. We are also available to review a draft of your proposal: URO Director, Stephanie Wallach (  or URO Assistant Director, Jennifer Keating Miller (, no later than October 22th.  Please contact them by email to make an appointment.

Make a contribution.  Work with a mentor.  Follow a passion.  Develop an idea.  Solve a problem.  Create, build, perform, discover. 

Apply for SURG.

In Defense of Failure

Artists,Reference — Ali Momeni @ 7:30 pm

Joseph Beuys (b. 1921 in Krefeld, Germany, d. 1986)

Jean Tinguely (b. 1925 in Fribourg, Switzerland, d. 30 August 1991 in Bern)

Roman Signer (b. 1938 in Appenzell, Switzerland)

Paul Demarinis (b. 1948 in USA)

Pierre Huyghe (b. 1962 in Paris, France)

Christof Büchel (b. B1966 asel, Switzerland)

Peter Flemming (b. 1967 in Halifax, Canada)

Gedi Sibony (b. 1973 in NYC)

Luke Loeffler (b. 197x in Okalahoma, USA)

David Bithell (b. 1976 in San Diego, USA)

  • A View of the Santa Rosa Mountains as seen from the Borrego Badlands [1999]

John Peña (b. ? in Washington, USA)

Jeremy Hutchison (b. ? in London, UK)
Knowbotic Research (established 1991 by Yvonne Wilhelm, Christian Hübler and Alexander Tuchacek)
Kanta Horio (b. 197x in Hiroshima, Japan)
Rafael Siboni (b. 1981 in Paris, France)
Dash MacDonald (b. 1983 in Wendover, England)



Artists, Ropes, Knots

Artists,Reference — Ali Momeni @ 7:32 pm

Knot-making references:



Where to get things in Pittsburgh

Shopping — Ali Momeni @ 7:32 pm

supplier list:

Origami: Reducing a Mesh

Folding,Pepakura,Rhino3D — Tags: — Ali Momeni @ 11:15 pm

Many of the 3d models you find in Google 3D Warehouse and Thiniverse will be too complex for folding.

This article describes a technique for reducing the number of polygons in the mesh.  It involves downloading a free program called MeshLab (available for OS X and Windows).  Follow these steps:

  1. Download the model in SketchUp format from the 3D
  2. Open the model in Rhino, Export the file as a “.obj” file (just as you do for opening it in Pepakura)
  3. Open the .obj file in MeshLab and follow the instructions in the above article
  4. Save the new/reduced mesh as “.obj” and continue wtih this file in Papakura

With this technique, I was able to take this model of a hand from the Google 3d Warehouse

and reduce it to this:

 Which I was then able to unfold with Pepakura, far more reasonably:

Origami and Folding

Artists,Folding,Reference,Theory — Ali Momeni @ 8:16 pm








Course Administration — Ali Momeni @ 8:40 pm

Hello and welcome to Soft Sculpture.

Links to relevant resources for the course as well as student contributions and discussions will be posted on this blog.

Please begin by viewing the syllabus page.

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