Author Archives: gracew
Final Project: Pittsburgh ArtPals
UPDATE March 18 Prompt + Lesson Plan Create two material kits, bring them to class and play test your curriculum with our class members Describe very explicitly when you needs rides from where to where so we can help secure
Final Project: Pittsburgh ArtPals
UPDATE March 18 Prompt + Lesson Plan Create two material kits, bring them to class and play test your curriculum with our class members Describe very explicitly when you needs rides from where to where so we can help secure

Access to Creating VR Content
What’s Available In Market Google Street View – Free (with computer access) Google Cardboard – Free – $30 (with smartphone access) Oculus Rift (available March 28, 2016) – $599 (with smartphone access) Microsoft HoloLens (early 2016) – $3000 Virtual Reality

Access to Creating VR Content
What’s Available In Market Google Street View – Free (with computer access) Google Cardboard – Free – $30 (with smartphone access) Oculus Rift (available March 28, 2016) – $599 (with smartphone access) Microsoft HoloLens (early 2016) – $3000 Virtual Reality
R2 Reading Response
How Stories Deceive This New Yorker article offers a digestible example on how a good story can be powerfully persuasive and albeit, deceptive. Which leads me to an broader question: How can we better understand the intentionality and morality of storytellingWe
R2 Reading Response
How Stories Deceive This New Yorker article offers a digestible example on how a good story can be powerfully persuasive and albeit, deceptive. Which leads me to an broader question: How can we better understand the intentionality and morality of storytellingWe
R1 Reading Responses
Data Culture If the quantification of society fails to address the more nuanced areas of human life, could the production of data itself ever be considered a creative act? Can data ever be…artistic? This is a valid question because as
R1 Reading Responses
Data Culture If the quantification of society fails to address the more nuanced areas of human life, could the production of data itself ever be considered a creative act? Can data ever be…artistic? This is a valid question because as

Redefining Urban Public Spaces with Park(ing) Day
Parking Day is an annual open source global event where citizens, artists, and activists collaborate to temporarily transform parking spaces. Built upon a simple yet refreshing concept, that a paid parking space is essentially like a short-term lease, individuals are

Redefining Urban Public Spaces with Park(ing) Day
Parking Day is an annual open source global event where citizens, artists, and activists collaborate to temporarily transform parking spaces. Built upon a simple yet refreshing concept, that a paid parking space is essentially like a short-term lease, individuals are