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Feminism/ Psychoanalytic Theory

Baudrillard, Jean. Simulations, translated by Paul Foss, Paul Patton, and Phillip   Beitchman (New York:Semiotext(e), 1983), 151-52.

Barthes, Roland. “the Death of the Author,” in The Rustle of Language (Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989). 52-53.

Ettinger, Bracha L. The Matrixial Borderspace. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press , 2006. Print.

Geuss, Raymond. The Idea of a Critical Theory: Habermas and the Frankfurt School. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1981. Print.

Foster, Hal. “Subversive Signs,” in Recordings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics (Seattle: Bay Press, 1985), 67.

Jones, Amelia. “‘ ‘Post-feminism’: A Remasculinization of Culture?.'” M/E/A/N/I/N/G 7 (1990): 29-40. Print.

Jones, Ann Rosalind. “Julia Kristeva on Feminity: The Limits of a Semiotic Politics.” Feminist Review 18 (1984): 56-73. JSTOR. Web. 10 Dec. 2011.

Kelly, Mary. Post-Partum Document. London, Boston, Melbourne, and Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1983. Print.

Kristeva, Julia. ‘La femme, ce n’est jamaisga’ interview by Psychanalyse et Politique Tel Quel No. 59   (Autumn). ‘Women can never be defined’, translated by Marilyn August, in MARKS and de COURTIVRON (1981).

Kristeva, Julia. New Maladies of the Soul. New York: Columbia University Press, 1995. Print.

Kristeva, Julia. Powers of Horror An Essay on Abjection. New York: Columbia University, 1982. Print.

Lacan, Jacques. Feminine Sexuality. New York and London: Norton and Company and Pantheon Books, 1975. Print.

Lacan, J., “The Function and Field of Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis,” transl. by Alan Sheridan in Écrits: A Selection, W.W. Norton & Co., New York, 1977.

MOMA.ORG. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2011. <www.moma.org/interactives/exhibitions/1997/sherman/&gt;.

Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” in Visual and Other Pleasures (Language, Discourse, Society) (New York: Palgrave Macmillan,1975).

Need, Lynda. Framing the Female Body: Art, Obscenity and Sexuality. London: Routledge, 1992. 5- 11.

Palais Des Beaux-Arts Brussels. Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger Artworking 1985-1999. Ludion, Ghent-Amsterdam: Palais Des Beaux-Arts Brussels, 2000. Print.

Pollock, Griselda. Inscriptions in the feminine. In: Insdie the Visible edited by Catherine de Zegher. MIT Press, 1996.

Pollock, Griselda. Vision and Difference. London and New York: Routledge, 2003. Print.

Princenthal, Nancy. The Deconstructive Impulse Women Artists Reconfigure the Signs of Power, 1973-1991. New York: Prestel Publishing , 2011. Print.

Riding, Alan, “Correcting Her Idea of Politically Correct.” New York Times. June 14, 2001.

Rose, Jacqueline. Sexuality in the Field of Vision. Norfolk: Thetford Press, 1986. Print.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. N.p., n.d. Web. 16Oct.2011.<http://

Owens, Craig “The Allegorical Impulse: Toward a Theory of Postmodernism, Part 2 (1980),” in October Files 6, 21.

Owens, Craig. “The Discourse of Others: Feminist and Postmodernism” in The Anti-Aesthetic: Essays on Postmodern Culture, edited and with an introduction by Hal Foster (Port Townsend, Wash.: Bay Press, 1983), 59.



French Cinema

Adorno, Theodor. “Aesthetic Theory.” Continental Aesthetics. Eds. Richard Kearney and David Rasmussen. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2001.

Deleuze, G. “Cinema 2: L ‘image-Temps.” (H. Tomlinson & B. Habberjam, Trans.). London: Athlone Press, 1986.

Essid, Joe. “Film as “Explicador” for Hypertext.” Computers and Humanities, Vol. 38, no 3 (Aug 2004): pp 317-333.

Harcourt, Peter. “Le Nouveau Godard: An Exploration of ʻSauve qui peut (la vie).ʼ” Film Quarterly, Vol 35, No 2 (Winter 1981-1982): pp 17-27.

Lord, Robert. “Jean-Luc Godard, in between Deleuze.” (1997).

Nietzsche, Friedrich (1990), Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the

Future, trans. by R. J. Hollingdale with an introduction by Michael Tanner, Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Rio, Elena del. “Alchemies of Thought in Godard’s Cinema: Deleuze and Merleau-Ponty.” SubStance, Vol. 34, No. 3 (2006): 62-78.

Sturdza, Paltin. “Week-End by Jean-Luc Godard.” The French Review, Vol. 50, No.5 (Apr., 1977): 785-786.

Thiher, Allen. “Cinéma 2: L’Image-temps by Gilles Deleuze.” The French Review, Vol. 61, No.5 (Apr., 1988): 821-822.

German Cinema-

Ames, Eric. “Herzog, Landscape, and Documentary.” Cinema Journal. (Winter 2009): 49-74.

Koepnick, Lutz P. “Colonial Forestry: Sylvan Politics in Werner Herzog’s Aguirre and Fitzcarraldo.” New German Critique. (Autumn 1993): 133-159.

Perlmutter, Ruth.  “The Cinema of the Grotesque.The Georgia Review. (979). 168-193.

Rogers, Holly. “Fitzcarraldo’s Search for Aguirre: Music and Text in the Amazonian Films of Werner Herzog.”  Journal of the Royal Musical Association. (2004): 77-99.

Rundell, Richard J.. “The Films of Werner Herzog: Between Mirage and History  by Timothy Corrigan.” New German Critique. (Feb., 1988): 177-178.

Waller, Gregory A.. “‘Aguirre, The Wrath of God’: History, Theater, and the Camera.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association. (1981). 55-69.

Wees, William C. 1992. Light moving in time: studies in the visual aesthetics of avant-garde film. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Windhausen, Federico. 2008. “Paul Sharits and the active spectator“. Art and the Moving Image. 122-139.

Young, Vernon. “Much Madness: Werner Herzog and Contemporary German Cinema.” The Hudson Review. (1977) pp 409-414.


Antonioni, Michelangelo. 2010. Il deserto rosso. [United States]: Criterion Collection.

Antonioni, Michelangelo. 2005. L’eclisse. [Irvington, NY]: Criterion Collection.

Herzog, Werner. 2006. Nosferatu the vampyre. [s.l.]: Anchor Bay Entertainment.

Herzog, Werner. 2001. Herz aus Glas Heart of glass. Troy, MI: Anchor Bay Entertainment.

Kinski, Klaus, and Werner Herzog. 2004. Aguirre, wrath of God. Herzog Kinski collection. [Australia]: Umbrella Entertainment.


German Painters-

The New Leipzig School 

Anselm Kiefer (b. 1945 in Germany)

Martin Kippenberger (25 February 1953 in Dortmund – 7 March 1997 in Vienna)

Neo Rausch (b. Apr. 1960 in Leipzig, East Germany)

Gerhard Richter (b. 9 February 1932, Germany)
Matthias Weischer (born in 1973 in Rheine, West Germany)
Thomas Zipp (born 1966, Heppenheim, Germany)


New York Painters-

Kelite Ferris (Born in 1977, Louisville, KY)

“NEW YORK CLOSE UP” Documentary Series of Art and Life in NYC


Julian Schnabel (born October 26, 1951)

Amy Sillman (born 1956, USA)

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French Artists-
Cyprien Gaillard (Born 1980, Paris)
‘Painters’ Painters’


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