Camus, Albert. The Stranger. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 1989.
Davis, John Stage. Plastic Surgery: Its Principles and Practice. 1919.
Faulkner, William. As I Lay Dying. New York: Jonathan Cape. 1930.
Fry, W. Kelsey. Plastic Surgery of the Face. 1920.
Kafka, Franz. Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories. New York: Schocken Books Inc., 1993.
Kolle, Frederick Strange. Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. 1911.
Márquez, Gabriel García. 100 Years of Solitude. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 1967.
Milgrom, Melissa. Still Life: Adventures in Taxidermy. Boston: Mariner Books. 2011.
Morini, Simona. Body Sculpture: Plastic Surgery From Head to Toe. 1972
Tuchman, Barbara W. A Distant Mirror. New York: Random House. 1979.
Artists and Etc.
Henry Darger (b. 1892 in USA)
Chris Isaak (b. 1956 in USA)
Dan Hillier (English)
David Lynch (b 1946 in USA)
David OReilly (b. 1985 in Ireland)
Ed Ruscha (b. 1937 in USA)
Felix the Cat: The Movie. (1989)
Fra Angelico (b. 1395 in Italy d. 1455)
Goat People (b. 2011 in USA)
Gunter Brüs (b.1938 in Austria)
H.R. Geiger (b. 1940)
imetlucy (b. ? in Germany?)
Kate Clark (b. ? in USA?)
Lars von Trier (b.1956 in Denmark)
MadC (b. in Germany?)
Nychos (b. in Italy?)
Snik (b. in England?)
Stanley Kubrick (b. 1928 in USA d. 1999)