Student Work

The New OS (One String)
The concept of this instrument is purely based on the Ektar or the Ektara; Ektar literally means “one-string”. The Ektar was created in India and was traditionally made out of a gourd and some bamboo. It is played by plucking the

The New OS (One String)
The concept of this instrument is purely based on the Ektar or the Ektara; Ektar literally means “one-string”. The Ektar was created in India and was traditionally made out of a gourd and some bamboo. It is played by plucking the

iPhone Violin Case
My goal of creating this instrument was to create an instrument that could be carried around easily and played anywhere. I connected this to how as

iPhone Violin Case
My goal of creating this instrument was to create an instrument that could be carried around easily and played anywhere. I connected this to how as

Final Project – Bryn
The initial concept that inspired this project was to create a set of objects that react to touch. The objects would subvert the expectations of anyone to touch them by emitting sound rather than staying silent. Through experimentation with different

Final Project – Bryn
The initial concept that inspired this project was to create a set of objects that react to touch. The objects would subvert the expectations of anyone to touch them by emitting sound rather than staying silent. Through experimentation with different

conscious coral
Intention is to mine surrounding resources to pick up noise and utilize what is existing to create music. To the audience, the limestone would have character in appearing to absorb its surroundings and spew back altered sound. Piezo underneath both

conscious coral
Intention is to mine surrounding resources to pick up noise and utilize what is existing to create music. To the audience, the limestone would have character in appearing to absorb its surroundings and spew back altered sound. Piezo underneath both
R2 – Improvisation and Experience
In “Contemplating the Concept of Improvisation and its History in Scholarship”, Nettl questions whether the sphere of things considered “improvisation” is too diverse to justify the word’s use. Though the lines between composition and improvisation are blurry, referring to a
R2 – Improvisation and Experience
In “Contemplating the Concept of Improvisation and its History in Scholarship”, Nettl questions whether the sphere of things considered “improvisation” is too diverse to justify the word’s use. Though the lines between composition and improvisation are blurry, referring to a
R2: Improvisation
This week we read articles by Nettl, Lewis (Gittin’ to know y’all), DJ Spooky and Vijay Iyer, and David Wessel and Matthew Wright. I enjoyed the articles by Nettl and the conversation between DJ Spooky and Vijay best, so I
R2: Improvisation
This week we read articles by Nettl, Lewis (Gittin’ to know y’all), DJ Spooky and Vijay Iyer, and David Wessel and Matthew Wright. I enjoyed the articles by Nettl and the conversation between DJ Spooky and Vijay best, so I
R1: Reading Responses
in Towards an Ethic Of Improvisation, the most interesting point I found in this article is, “ From a certain point of view improvisation is the highest mode of musical activity, for it is based on the acceptance of music’s
R1: Reading Responses
in Towards an Ethic Of Improvisation, the most interesting point I found in this article is, “ From a certain point of view improvisation is the highest mode of musical activity, for it is based on the acceptance of music’s
R1: Reading Response: Improvisation, Composition, Music & Sound
These three papers have their own interesting take on the art of improvisation and classical composition and the differences and similarities between them. Each writer had a different approach to it but I feel like they all had good points
R1: Reading Response: Improvisation, Composition, Music & Sound
These three papers have their own interesting take on the art of improvisation and classical composition and the differences and similarities between them. Each writer had a different approach to it but I feel like they all had good points
R1: Reading Response
The most striking part of the readings for this week, in my opinion, was the breadth of styles and practices that could arguably be called improvisation. We get to see that improvisation isn’t really a single concept. Rather, it is
R1: Reading Response
The most striking part of the readings for this week, in my opinion, was the breadth of styles and practices that could arguably be called improvisation. We get to see that improvisation isn’t really a single concept. Rather, it is