Author Archives: dhkim1
conscious coral
Intention is to mine surrounding resources to pick up noise and utilize what is existing to create music. To the audience, the limestone would have character in appearing to absorb its surroundings and spew back altered sound. Piezo underneath both
conscious coral
Intention is to mine surrounding resources to pick up noise and utilize what is existing to create music. To the audience, the limestone would have character in appearing to absorb its surroundings and spew back altered sound. Piezo underneath both
R1 Improv
Out of all the readings, Cornelius’s Towards an Ethic of Improvisation was a wider approach that covered many different facets of the topic of improv. All three of the writers (Cornelius Cardew, George Lewis, and Pauline Oliveros) express the idea that improvisation is an
R1 Improv
Out of all the readings, Cornelius’s Towards an Ethic of Improvisation was a wider approach that covered many different facets of the topic of improv. All three of the writers (Cornelius Cardew, George Lewis, and Pauline Oliveros) express the idea that improvisation is an