
Final Project Documentation: A.R.E.A.
Featured Image Short Description Operation AREA (Awesome Robot Enters Assemble) is an Urban Intervention project by John Choi where an advanced human-size mobile manipulator robot enters real-world educational environments to teach young children the basic principles of robotics. The hypothesis

Final Project Documentation: A.R.E.A.
Featured Image Short Description Operation AREA (Awesome Robot Enters Assemble) is an Urban Intervention project by John Choi where an advanced human-size mobile manipulator robot enters real-world educational environments to teach young children the basic principles of robotics. The hypothesis

Final Project Timeline: A.R.E.A.
Awesome Robot Enters Assemble (AREA) (formerly Giant Robots Advancing Secondary Schools (GRASS)) is a project where an advanced 3.5 foot human-size mobile manipulator robot for doing human-size tasks is deployed in a high school classroom to teach the basic principles

Final Project Timeline: A.R.E.A.
Awesome Robot Enters Assemble (AREA) (formerly Giant Robots Advancing Secondary Schools (GRASS)) is a project where an advanced 3.5 foot human-size mobile manipulator robot for doing human-size tasks is deployed in a high school classroom to teach the basic principles

“On Journalism #2 Typewriter” by Julian Koschwitz
Literally taking on the notion of data being translated into a story, “On Journalism #2 Typewriter” writes the stories of those who died writing stories for us. The piece honors deceased journalists by writing what they never could’ve written for themselves. Using

“On Journalism #2 Typewriter” by Julian Koschwitz
Literally taking on the notion of data being translated into a story, “On Journalism #2 Typewriter” writes the stories of those who died writing stories for us. The piece honors deceased journalists by writing what they never could’ve written for themselves. Using