“Profound.” by Luca Damasco (2015)

  Too often I come across walls or signs brandishing quotations from intellectuals meant to stimulate my mind. While the first few might stick to my brain and do a good job of forcing me to think, the rest sort

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“Profound.” by Luca Damasco (2015)

  Too often I come across walls or signs brandishing quotations from intellectuals meant to stimulate my mind. While the first few might stick to my brain and do a good job of forcing me to think, the rest sort

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“Blue Without You” (2015) by Guy de Bree

  Blue Without You is an invitation to and comment on projection. The piece is simply a projector that is on but is not being ostensibly used. My main objective was to point out the physical nature and necessities of the

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“Blue Without You” (2015) by Guy de Bree

  Blue Without You is an invitation to and comment on projection. The piece is simply a projector that is on but is not being ostensibly used. My main objective was to point out the physical nature and necessities of the

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“Body Movies” by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, (2001)

  “Thousands of portraits, taken on the streets of the cities where the project is shown, are projected on a giant screen or façade using elevated robotically-controlled projectors. However, the portraits are completely washed out by powerful xenon light sources

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“Body Movies” by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, (2001)

  “Thousands of portraits, taken on the streets of the cities where the project is shown, are projected on a giant screen or façade using elevated robotically-controlled projectors. However, the portraits are completely washed out by powerful xenon light sources

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“Pollstream – Nuage Vert” by Helen Evans & Heiko Hansen, (2008)

  Projection onto clouds as a symbol of environmental pollution caused by carbon emissions. More info here…

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“Pollstream – Nuage Vert” by Helen Evans & Heiko Hansen, (2008)

  Projection onto clouds as a symbol of environmental pollution caused by carbon emissions. More info here…

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“Nightmare” by Andréa Stanislav, (2011)

    “…a public video work that creates the illusion of a white horse galloping on the Mississippi, at night, and in slow motion.” more info here…

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“Nightmare” by Andréa Stanislav, (2011)

    “…a public video work that creates the illusion of a white horse galloping on the Mississippi, at night, and in slow motion.” more info here…

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Projections by Jenny Holzer (1996-2011)

An ongoing series of text based projections onto buildings around the world. More documentation here… 

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Projections by Jenny Holzer (1996-2011)

An ongoing series of text based projections onto buildings around the world. More documentation here… 

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“BYOB” by Rafaël Rozendaal and Anne de Vries , (2010-2013)

  “BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions curated by different people around the world. The idea is simple: Find a place, invite many artists, ask them to bring their projectors. BYOB is a way of making a huge show with

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“BYOB” by Rafaël Rozendaal and Anne de Vries , (2010-2013)

  “BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions curated by different people around the world. The idea is simple: Find a place, invite many artists, ask them to bring their projectors. BYOB is a way of making a huge show with

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“Radio Kaiju” by Guy de Bree and Luca Damasco (2015)

Outdated, unrelatable, and asynchronous audio advertising overwhelms the gaps of popular radio transmissions forcing the listener to split their attention and eventually disregard the main audio feed.

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“Radio Kaiju” by Guy de Bree and Luca Damasco (2015)

Outdated, unrelatable, and asynchronous audio advertising overwhelms the gaps of popular radio transmissions forcing the listener to split their attention and eventually disregard the main audio feed.

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“Street Compliments?” by SoulPancake (2012)

You can read more about the piece here.

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“Street Compliments?” by SoulPancake (2012)

You can read more about the piece here.

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