Author Archives: LucaDamasco
“Women in Politics” Concept by Dan Russo, Claire Hentschker and Luca Damasco
A camera crew stops Pittsburghers as they walk down the street. A crude facial recognition program matches each participant to their “Pittsburgh Congress Look Alike” only to show that none of the matches are women. Here is a mock
“Women in Politics” Concept by Dan Russo, Claire Hentschker and Luca Damasco
A camera crew stops Pittsburghers as they walk down the street. A crude facial recognition program matches each participant to their “Pittsburgh Congress Look Alike” only to show that none of the matches are women. Here is a mock

“The Monument Comes Alive” by Quixotic (2014)
Union station in Kansas City is one of the most travelled through metro stations in the United States. In celebration of it’s 100th anniversary, Bazillion was charged with developing an exciting and historical depiction of the station over the last

“The Monument Comes Alive” by Quixotic (2014)
Union station in Kansas City is one of the most travelled through metro stations in the United States. In celebration of it’s 100th anniversary, Bazillion was charged with developing an exciting and historical depiction of the station over the last

“Love Tokyo” by Roppongi Hills (2014)
By projecting onto a full scale model of the city of Tokyo, Roppongi Hills celebrates their 10th anniversary by making the city alive to the tune of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.

“Love Tokyo” by Roppongi Hills (2014)
By projecting onto a full scale model of the city of Tokyo, Roppongi Hills celebrates their 10th anniversary by making the city alive to the tune of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.

“An Exploration of City Systems” by Universally Local (2012)
While urban projection in the more popular sense is the transformation of outdoor urban environments through projection, here Universally Local transforms a city model to accentuate what a planned urban environment may look like.

“An Exploration of City Systems” by Universally Local (2012)
While urban projection in the more popular sense is the transformation of outdoor urban environments through projection, here Universally Local transforms a city model to accentuate what a planned urban environment may look like.

“Video Painting Europe” by SWEATSHOPPE (2013)
While graffiti is often one of the most controversial forms of art due to it’s vandalistic nature, it is also considered to be one of the most truly urban art techniques. SWEATSHOPPE attempts to embody all of the beautiful qualities

“Video Painting Europe” by SWEATSHOPPE (2013)
While graffiti is often one of the most controversial forms of art due to it’s vandalistic nature, it is also considered to be one of the most truly urban art techniques. SWEATSHOPPE attempts to embody all of the beautiful qualities

“3D projection mapping in the city centre of Amsterdam for H&M” by MUSE (2010)
Urban Projection is easily used as a tool for advertising in urban spaces. Here, H&M hires the animators and designers of MUSE to open their new Amsterdam Location.

“3D projection mapping in the city centre of Amsterdam for H&M” by MUSE (2010)
Urban Projection is easily used as a tool for advertising in urban spaces. Here, H&M hires the animators and designers of MUSE to open their new Amsterdam Location.

“Profound.” by Luca Damasco (2015)
Too often I come across walls or signs brandishing quotations from intellectuals meant to stimulate my mind. While the first few might stick to my brain and do a good job of forcing me to think, the rest sort

“Profound.” by Luca Damasco (2015)
Too often I come across walls or signs brandishing quotations from intellectuals meant to stimulate my mind. While the first few might stick to my brain and do a good job of forcing me to think, the rest sort

“Radio Kaiju” by Guy de Bree and Luca Damasco (2015)
Outdated, unrelatable, and asynchronous audio advertising overwhelms the gaps of popular radio transmissions forcing the listener to split their attention and eventually disregard the main audio feed.

“Radio Kaiju” by Guy de Bree and Luca Damasco (2015)
Outdated, unrelatable, and asynchronous audio advertising overwhelms the gaps of popular radio transmissions forcing the listener to split their attention and eventually disregard the main audio feed.

“inForm” (2013) by MIT Tangible Media Lab
While image and sound have been transported wireless for decades, we are still attempting to find proper ways of transmitting tactile interactions. The MIT Tangible Media Lab created a device which allows actual hand gestures to be transmitted wirelessly. For

“inForm” (2013) by MIT Tangible Media Lab
While image and sound have been transported wireless for decades, we are still attempting to find proper ways of transmitting tactile interactions. The MIT Tangible Media Lab created a device which allows actual hand gestures to be transmitted wirelessly. For