“Racing Extinction” by Louie Psihoyos and Travis Threlkel (2015)

A team of artists and environmentalists, led by Louie Psihoyos and Travis Threlkel helped bust a L.A. restaurant called Hump for serving whale meat. They used a 15,000-lumen video projector mounted on a retractable steel frame that can extend and pivot in any direction to show the image of a whale in front of the restaurant for a number of days. Soon enough, restaurant patrons stopped eating at Hump and complaining to the city. Soon enough, the business had to shut down.

NYTimes.com / GARETH SMIT – via Iframely

This is the same team involved in projecting images of endangered animals on the empire state building.

For a video go to: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/31/movies/illuminating-the-plight-of-endangered-species-at-the-empire-state-building.html?_r=0

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