“Mood Gate” by Tom’s UrbInt (2012)

View more about this piece here.

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“Mood Gate” by Tom’s UrbInt (2012)

View more about this piece here.

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“The Speed Camera Lottery” by The Fun Theory (2010)

You can read more about this piece here.

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“The Speed Camera Lottery” by The Fun Theory (2010)

You can read more about this piece here.

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Urban Picnicing and Conext Analysis of Craid St Parking space by Sebrand

In an attempt to paint a picture of what the world could look like without cars a group of friends and I paid for a street parking spot for an hour and set up a picnic area sign. We parked

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Urban Picnicing and Conext Analysis of Craid St Parking space by Sebrand

In an attempt to paint a picture of what the world could look like without cars a group of friends and I paid for a street parking spot for an hour and set up a picnic area sign. We parked

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“On the Massacre of Glencoe” by Double Take Projection (2015)

The poet “On the Massacre of Glencoe” projected onto the landscape in dark. Sir Walter Scott’s poet has regrettable Scotland’s history and the director expected to raise awareness of it. This work is not only artistically beautiful but also it brings strong

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“On the Massacre of Glencoe” by Double Take Projection (2015)

The poet “On the Massacre of Glencoe” projected onto the landscape in dark. Sir Walter Scott’s poet has regrettable Scotland’s history and the director expected to raise awareness of it. This work is not only artistically beautiful but also it brings strong

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“Cinemobile” by eyedropperfill (2015)

Film studio, Eyedropper Fill created moving projection work, Cinemobile. They projected running horse from the earliest movie The Horse in Motion(1878) and truck animation onto walls and streets by the goal of Thai Film Archive – offering extended access to

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“Cinemobile” by eyedropperfill (2015)

Film studio, Eyedropper Fill created moving projection work, Cinemobile. They projected running horse from the earliest movie The Horse in Motion(1878) and truck animation onto walls and streets by the goal of Thai Film Archive – offering extended access to

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“Lighting of the Sails” by Urbanscreen (2012)

The sails of Sydney Opera House became tremendous canvas for 3D projection for celebrating festival of light, Vivid Live. 14 projectors used for this mapping  and it has dancing performance, music and sails into the wind. More here…

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“Lighting of the Sails” by Urbanscreen (2012)

The sails of Sydney Opera House became tremendous canvas for 3D projection for celebrating festival of light, Vivid Live. 14 projectors used for this mapping  and it has dancing performance, music and sails into the wind. More here…

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“Ghost Ship” by VisualSKIN (2014)

“Ghost ship” is 3 dimensional projection of 17 century wrecked boat on vertical water flow surface. Two intersecting images makes it possible to appreciate the mysterious ship from multiple angles. The arcane object, wrecked boat in a storm in 1749 matched with

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“Ghost Ship” by VisualSKIN (2014)

“Ghost ship” is 3 dimensional projection of 17 century wrecked boat on vertical water flow surface. Two intersecting images makes it possible to appreciate the mysterious ship from multiple angles. The arcane object, wrecked boat in a storm in 1749 matched with

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“CCTV/Creative Control” by Marcos Zotes (2011)

Eyes are interesting part of the body which can contain a lot of meanings. The artist changed the abandoned water tower to CCTV tower by projecting big one eye on the bottom surface of it in New York. This rather creepy

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“CCTV/Creative Control” by Marcos Zotes (2011)

Eyes are interesting part of the body which can contain a lot of meanings. The artist changed the abandoned water tower to CCTV tower by projecting big one eye on the bottom surface of it in New York. This rather creepy

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Touch Forest

I’m interested in encouraging more people to step off the beaten path and take a chance to explore the woods around them. Earlier this semester I built a capacitive touch tree with a group of Engeneering students. The goal was

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Touch Forest

I’m interested in encouraging more people to step off the beaten path and take a chance to explore the woods around them. Earlier this semester I built a capacitive touch tree with a group of Engeneering students. The goal was

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