Crossing Guard Mimes, Antanas Mockus (1995)
Antanas Mockus was elected to two non-consecutive terms as mayor of Bogota, Columbia between 1995 and 2003. His tenure was characterized both by his inventive and playful civic initiatives and by their successes. According to Wikipedia: “Under Mockus’s leadership, Bogotá

Crossing Guard Mimes, Antanas Mockus (1995)
Antanas Mockus was elected to two non-consecutive terms as mayor of Bogota, Columbia between 1995 and 2003. His tenure was characterized both by his inventive and playful civic initiatives and by their successes. According to Wikipedia: “Under Mockus’s leadership, Bogotá

“Proposal for Certain Principles of Light and Shapes Between Forms” by Michael Jones McKean (2009 – 2010)
A homemade rainbow in Richmond VA, created with recycled rain water and sunlight. More details here..

“Proposal for Certain Principles of Light and Shapes Between Forms” by Michael Jones McKean (2009 – 2010)
A homemade rainbow in Richmond VA, created with recycled rain water and sunlight. More details here..

“Badeschiff” by Susanne Lorenz (2004)
A public pool floating in Berlin’s highly polluted River Spree. More information here…

“Badeschiff” by Susanne Lorenz (2004)
A public pool floating in Berlin’s highly polluted River Spree. More information here…

“Freeze” by Valentin Beinroth & Florian Jenett (2003)
Gun shaped ice sculptures were left to melt around a city. More documentation here…

“Freeze” by Valentin Beinroth & Florian Jenett (2003)
Gun shaped ice sculptures were left to melt around a city. More documentation here…

“This Means Love” and “This Means Peace” by Peter Fuss (2011)
Two billboards taken over by street artist Peter Fuss. More documentation can be found here…

“This Means Love” and “This Means Peace” by Peter Fuss (2011)
Two billboards taken over by street artist Peter Fuss. More documentation can be found here…

“Zwischenzeit” (In Between) by Matthias Wermke and Mischa Leinkauf (2008)
Zwischenzeit is a three channel video installation done by Matthias Wermke & Mischa Leinkauf. The two artists built portable handcars and explored Berlin’s subway systems at night. Part of the video can be found here.

“Zwischenzeit” (In Between) by Matthias Wermke and Mischa Leinkauf (2008)
Zwischenzeit is a three channel video installation done by Matthias Wermke & Mischa Leinkauf. The two artists built portable handcars and explored Berlin’s subway systems at night. Part of the video can be found here.

Statuevision by Ali Momeni
what happens As part of the Near Futures for 5×5, a project of the DC Commission on the Arts and humanities, Statuevision celebrates monuments from around the DC area in a public and participatory video projection performance. The performance

Statuevision by Ali Momeni
what happens As part of the Near Futures for 5×5, a project of the DC Commission on the Arts and humanities, Statuevision celebrates monuments from around the DC area in a public and participatory video projection performance. The performance

One Brown Show by Lenka Clayton
2013 / various materials including parcel paper, cat food boxes, Play-Doh, CAD code, string, leather, food remnants from the dishwasher, leather, string, cardboard, brown paper, office supplies, plate steel, Cuban cigars, animal crackers, packing tape and hair, knitting, nut shells

One Brown Show by Lenka Clayton
2013 / various materials including parcel paper, cat food boxes, Play-Doh, CAD code, string, leather, food remnants from the dishwasher, leather, string, cardboard, brown paper, office supplies, plate steel, Cuban cigars, animal crackers, packing tape and hair, knitting, nut shells

Conflict Kitchen by Jon Rubin
Conflict Kitchen Pittsburgh, Pa (2010-present) Collaboration with Dawn Weleski PROJECT WEBSITE Conflict Kitchen is a restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict. The restaurant rotates identities every few months in relation to

Conflict Kitchen by Jon Rubin
Conflict Kitchen Pittsburgh, Pa (2010-present) Collaboration with Dawn Weleski PROJECT WEBSITE Conflict Kitchen is a restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict. The restaurant rotates identities every few months in relation to