“Estimote Beacons” by Estimote, Inc. (2014)

  “Estimote beacons” are colorful stickers that broadcast radio signals to your smartphone, which then interprets the signals through an application. These stickers function using iBeacon, and low energy bluetooth technology. Like the light blue bean, or the arduino, these beacons are being sold as platforms

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“Estimote Beacons” by Estimote, Inc. (2014)

  “Estimote beacons” are colorful stickers that broadcast radio signals to your smartphone, which then interprets the signals through an application. These stickers function using iBeacon, and low energy bluetooth technology. Like the light blue bean, or the arduino, these beacons are being sold as platforms

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“Investigation of the waste-removal chain through pervasive computing” by Avid Boustani, Lewis Girod, Dietmar Offenhuber, Rex Britter, Malima Wolf, David Lee, Stephen Miles, Assaf Biderman, and Carlo Ratti. (2010)

The sensible city lab at MIT attached sensors to 300 pieces of trash and followed their path on an online map of a city aqueduct system. By tracking the movement and route of different kinds of trash, the team was able to propose

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“Investigation of the waste-removal chain through pervasive computing” by Avid Boustani, Lewis Girod, Dietmar Offenhuber, Rex Britter, Malima Wolf, David Lee, Stephen Miles, Assaf Biderman, and Carlo Ratti. (2010)

The sensible city lab at MIT attached sensors to 300 pieces of trash and followed their path on an online map of a city aqueduct system. By tracking the movement and route of different kinds of trash, the team was able to propose

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“Wave Bubble” by Limor Fried, (2011)

The Wave Bubble is a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable radio frequency jammer. It provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). The device is lightweight

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“Wave Bubble” by Limor Fried, (2011)

The Wave Bubble is a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable radio frequency jammer. It provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). The device is lightweight

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“One Human Heart” by Jen Lowe (2014 -2015)

Jen Lowe, data scientist and communicator of data, put her heartbeat on the internet for the last year. She includes the number of days she has lived, and the expected days remaining in her life based on statistics. At first she did

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“One Human Heart” by Jen Lowe (2014 -2015)

Jen Lowe, data scientist and communicator of data, put her heartbeat on the internet for the last year. She includes the number of days she has lived, and the expected days remaining in her life based on statistics. At first she did

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“American Paranoia” by Brad Downey (2004)

  A take on living in a post 9/11 America. More information on this piece can be found here.

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“American Paranoia” by Brad Downey (2004)

  A take on living in a post 9/11 America. More information on this piece can be found here.

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“Chalk Mark” by Brad Downey (2010)

    More information on this piece can be found here.

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“Chalk Mark” by Brad Downey (2010)

    More information on this piece can be found here.

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“David vs Goliath” by Brad Downey (2006)

  The newer phone booth design from Verizon (right) is much bigger than the older design (left).  Brad Downey decided to give the older design a set of tentacles. More information about this piece can be found here.

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“David vs Goliath” by Brad Downey (2006)

  The newer phone booth design from Verizon (right) is much bigger than the older design (left).  Brad Downey decided to give the older design a set of tentacles. More information about this piece can be found here.

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“The Break Up” by Brad Downey (2004)

  More information on this piece is available here.

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“The Break Up” by Brad Downey (2004)

  More information on this piece is available here.

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“Women Are Heros” by JR (2012)

    Titled “Women Are Heroes”, this piece aims to highlight the dignity of women who occupy crucial roles in societies, and find themselves victims of wartime, street crime, sexual assault, and religious and political extremism in Africa, Brazil, India

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“Women Are Heros” by JR (2012)

    Titled “Women Are Heroes”, this piece aims to highlight the dignity of women who occupy crucial roles in societies, and find themselves victims of wartime, street crime, sexual assault, and religious and political extremism in Africa, Brazil, India

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“Data groove” by Future Cities Lab (2012)

The lights on the Data Groove respond to proximity of visitors through undulation, and it “whispers” back content from local Twitter feeds. Website

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“Data groove” by Future Cities Lab (2012)

The lights on the Data Groove respond to proximity of visitors through undulation, and it “whispers” back content from local Twitter feeds. Website

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