“#tweetscapes” by Tarik Barri, Anselm Venezian Nehls (2011)

The project, #tweetscapes makes the sounds from Twitter messages in Germany in real time. Not only it creates rhythmic and interesting sounds, but also it auralize the abstract and intangible data or networking. More here…  

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“#tweetscapes” by Tarik Barri, Anselm Venezian Nehls (2011)

The project, #tweetscapes makes the sounds from Twitter messages in Germany in real time. Not only it creates rhythmic and interesting sounds, but also it auralize the abstract and intangible data or networking. More here…  

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“Dive” by Jana Winderen and Tony Myatt (2014)

It was part of Summer Streets 2014 program in New York. The artist, Jana Winderen designed surround sound installation in the Park Avenue Tunnel. The sound of underwater and blue lighting created the interesting experience of diving into the sea. It

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“Dive” by Jana Winderen and Tony Myatt (2014)

It was part of Summer Streets 2014 program in New York. The artist, Jana Winderen designed surround sound installation in the Park Avenue Tunnel. The sound of underwater and blue lighting created the interesting experience of diving into the sea. It

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“Sound city project” by David Vale (2014)

  This project is makng the maps of sounds in each places. The artist created the 360 degree sound recording device, “soundhead” and inspired acoustic experience with real sounds in those areas. More here…

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“Sound city project” by David Vale (2014)

  This project is makng the maps of sounds in each places. The artist created the 360 degree sound recording device, “soundhead” and inspired acoustic experience with real sounds in those areas. More here…

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“329 prepared dc-motors, cotton balls, toluene tank” by Zimoun (2013)

The installation is created inside an abandoned chemical tank in Dottikon, Switzerland. The artist made vibrating balls with dc-motors and cotton balls and composed it to hit the inner walls.  Unintentionally occurred sounds are rhythmic and creates totally different world

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“329 prepared dc-motors, cotton balls, toluene tank” by Zimoun (2013)

The installation is created inside an abandoned chemical tank in Dottikon, Switzerland. The artist made vibrating balls with dc-motors and cotton balls and composed it to hit the inner walls.  Unintentionally occurred sounds are rhythmic and creates totally different world

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“Lowlands” by Susan Philipsz (2009)

Susan Philipsz sang a sorrowful song, “Lowland away” by herself and placed the speakers under the bridges. It created the mood with the resonance from river flow. She was awarded Turner Prize in 2010. This sound installation stimulates the imagination and makes people

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“Lowlands” by Susan Philipsz (2009)

Susan Philipsz sang a sorrowful song, “Lowland away” by herself and placed the speakers under the bridges. It created the mood with the resonance from river flow. She was awarded Turner Prize in 2010. This sound installation stimulates the imagination and makes people

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“Airbeam” by Aircasting (2014)

  Aircasting is a company that has developed an end to end system for monitoring, tracking, and displaying data to do with air quality.   The Airbeam uses a laser inside of an air intake chamber to measure how scattered

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“Airbeam” by Aircasting (2014)

  Aircasting is a company that has developed an end to end system for monitoring, tracking, and displaying data to do with air quality.   The Airbeam uses a laser inside of an air intake chamber to measure how scattered

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“Phantom Terrains” by Frank Swain (2014)

Phantom Terrains is a system for indicating the presence of Wifi signals through audio. Using a Bluetooth-enabled hearing aid (Halo), Phantom Terrains creates an audio AR landscape through which a device typically understood as an assistive technology (the hearing aid)

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“Phantom Terrains” by Frank Swain (2014)

Phantom Terrains is a system for indicating the presence of Wifi signals through audio. Using a Bluetooth-enabled hearing aid (Halo), Phantom Terrains creates an audio AR landscape through which a device typically understood as an assistive technology (the hearing aid)

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“Knightscope K5” by Knightscope (2015)

  The Knightscope K5 is an autonomous robot designed to function as a mobile detection and alarm system. Created to monitor and control action in the public sphere, Knightscope is marketed as a high-end security system with a “commanding but

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“Knightscope K5” by Knightscope (2015)

  The Knightscope K5 is an autonomous robot designed to function as a mobile detection and alarm system. Created to monitor and control action in the public sphere, Knightscope is marketed as a high-end security system with a “commanding but

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“BlindMaps” by BlindMaps Markus Schmeiduch, Andrew Spitz, Ruben van der Vleuten. (2014)

This device reinterprets touch screen gps apps for blind people. The user says their desired destination into the device and pins on the screen, much like brail, move up and down in real time to guide the user to their destination. More

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“BlindMaps” by BlindMaps Markus Schmeiduch, Andrew Spitz, Ruben van der Vleuten. (2014)

This device reinterprets touch screen gps apps for blind people. The user says their desired destination into the device and pins on the screen, much like brail, move up and down in real time to guide the user to their destination. More

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