
“Echo” by Dan Russo (2015)

Echo seeks to augment the urban soundscape by creating contextual output controlled by otherwise invasive sounds.  Echo is listening for sudden spikes in sound amplitude in a given environment and then reacts upon detection.  An internal solenoid activates any surface

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“Echo” by Dan Russo (2015)

Echo seeks to augment the urban soundscape by creating contextual output controlled by otherwise invasive sounds.  Echo is listening for sudden spikes in sound amplitude in a given environment and then reacts upon detection.  An internal solenoid activates any surface

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“Kikaku Advertising Radio” (2015) by Luca Damasco, Guy de Bree

Kikaku Advertising Radio, named after a Japanese Advertising company bought out in the 1990s, recombines radio from 1980s Japan and modern day America to provide an audio stream without any breaks by filling up any moments of silence in contemporary

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“Kikaku Advertising Radio” (2015) by Luca Damasco, Guy de Bree

Kikaku Advertising Radio, named after a Japanese Advertising company bought out in the 1990s, recombines radio from 1980s Japan and modern day America to provide an audio stream without any breaks by filling up any moments of silence in contemporary

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“Cuckoo” by Ben Gansky and Joyce Liu (2015)

  The sound that we explored was the crosswalk beeps on the corner of 5th and Craig. We first recorded the timing of the beeps and noticed that they lasted for around seven seconds, with the total crossing time being

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“Cuckoo” by Ben Gansky and Joyce Liu (2015)

  The sound that we explored was the crosswalk beeps on the corner of 5th and Craig. We first recorded the timing of the beeps and noticed that they lasted for around seven seconds, with the total crossing time being

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“#tweetscapes” by Tarik Barri, Anselm Venezian Nehls (2011)

The project, #tweetscapes makes the sounds from Twitter messages in Germany in real time. Not only it creates rhythmic and interesting sounds, but also it auralize the abstract and intangible data or networking. More here…  

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“#tweetscapes” by Tarik Barri, Anselm Venezian Nehls (2011)

The project, #tweetscapes makes the sounds from Twitter messages in Germany in real time. Not only it creates rhythmic and interesting sounds, but also it auralize the abstract and intangible data or networking. More here…  

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“Dive” by Jana Winderen and Tony Myatt (2014)

It was part of Summer Streets 2014 program in New York. The artist, Jana Winderen designed surround sound installation in the Park Avenue Tunnel. The sound of underwater and blue lighting created the interesting experience of diving into the sea. It

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“Dive” by Jana Winderen and Tony Myatt (2014)

It was part of Summer Streets 2014 program in New York. The artist, Jana Winderen designed surround sound installation in the Park Avenue Tunnel. The sound of underwater and blue lighting created the interesting experience of diving into the sea. It

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“Sound city project” by David Vale (2014)

  This project is makng the maps of sounds in each places. The artist created the 360 degree sound recording device, “soundhead” and inspired acoustic experience with real sounds in those areas. More here…

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“Sound city project” by David Vale (2014)

  This project is makng the maps of sounds in each places. The artist created the 360 degree sound recording device, “soundhead” and inspired acoustic experience with real sounds in those areas. More here…

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“BlindMaps” by BlindMaps Markus Schmeiduch, Andrew Spitz, Ruben van der Vleuten. (2014)

This device reinterprets touch screen gps apps for blind people. The user says their desired destination into the device and pins on the screen, much like brail, move up and down in real time to guide the user to their destination. More

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“BlindMaps” by BlindMaps Markus Schmeiduch, Andrew Spitz, Ruben van der Vleuten. (2014)

This device reinterprets touch screen gps apps for blind people. The user says their desired destination into the device and pins on the screen, much like brail, move up and down in real time to guide the user to their destination. More

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“Investigation of the waste-removal chain through pervasive computing” by Avid Boustani, Lewis Girod, Dietmar Offenhuber, Rex Britter, Malima Wolf, David Lee, Stephen Miles, Assaf Biderman, and Carlo Ratti. (2010)

The sensible city lab at MIT attached sensors to 300 pieces of trash and followed their path on an online map of a city aqueduct system. By tracking the movement and route of different kinds of trash, the team was able to propose

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“Investigation of the waste-removal chain through pervasive computing” by Avid Boustani, Lewis Girod, Dietmar Offenhuber, Rex Britter, Malima Wolf, David Lee, Stephen Miles, Assaf Biderman, and Carlo Ratti. (2010)

The sensible city lab at MIT attached sensors to 300 pieces of trash and followed their path on an online map of a city aqueduct system. By tracking the movement and route of different kinds of trash, the team was able to propose

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“Wave Bubble” by Limor Fried, (2011)

The Wave Bubble is a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable radio frequency jammer. It provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). The device is lightweight

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“Wave Bubble” by Limor Fried, (2011)

The Wave Bubble is a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable radio frequency jammer. It provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). The device is lightweight

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“One Human Heart” by Jen Lowe (2014 -2015)

Jen Lowe, data scientist and communicator of data, put her heartbeat on the internet for the last year. She includes the number of days she has lived, and the expected days remaining in her life based on statistics. At first she did

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“One Human Heart” by Jen Lowe (2014 -2015)

Jen Lowe, data scientist and communicator of data, put her heartbeat on the internet for the last year. She includes the number of days she has lived, and the expected days remaining in her life based on statistics. At first she did

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