Art Work References

“Mobile Experiential Cinema: The Parade” by Minneapolis Art on Wheels (2013)
Read more about this project here.

“Mobile Experiential Cinema: The Parade” by Minneapolis Art on Wheels (2013)
Read more about this project here.

“Department of Smoke and Mirrors” by Jenny Schmid and Ali Momeni (2012)
More on this project here.

“Bean Pods and Boglins” by Minneapolis Art on Wheels (2013)
You can read more about this project here.

“Bean Pods and Boglins” by Minneapolis Art on Wheels (2013)
You can read more about this project here.

“Wheel of Justice” by The Illuminator and New York Civil Liberties Union (2014)
Titled “The Wheel of Justice”, this piece aims at highlighting the problems with our public defense system. Local New Yorkers were able to spin the wheel and learn about how real people have been wronged by the system meant

“Wheel of Justice” by The Illuminator and New York Civil Liberties Union (2014)
Titled “The Wheel of Justice”, this piece aims at highlighting the problems with our public defense system. Local New Yorkers were able to spin the wheel and learn about how real people have been wronged by the system meant

“Projections” by Ryan Patrick Griffin (2013)
Ryan P. Griffin does live projection painting. Ryan see is as a more respectful way to do graffiti. The paintings unfold and respond to the location they are created on. Yet they leave no visible trace of ever being there.

“Projections” by Ryan Patrick Griffin (2013)
Ryan P. Griffin does live projection painting. Ryan see is as a more respectful way to do graffiti. The paintings unfold and respond to the location they are created on. Yet they leave no visible trace of ever being there.

“Cambodian Trees” by Clement Briend (2010)
Combining the different textures of trees with light projection Clement Briend creates some very interesting and beautiful works. Cambodian Trees focuses on projecting traditional Cambodian artifacts on to trees. The projections are representations of traditional ideologies of spirits.

“Cambodian Trees” by Clement Briend (2010)
Combining the different textures of trees with light projection Clement Briend creates some very interesting and beautiful works. Cambodian Trees focuses on projecting traditional Cambodian artifacts on to trees. The projections are representations of traditional ideologies of spirits.

“O (Omicron)” by Roman Tardy and Thomas Vaquie (2012)
Projection done in Hala Stulecia in Wroclow, Poland, the largest reinforced concrete dome built since the Pantheon. The building has a minimalist visual aesthetic presenting the visions of the future from the 1930’s. The building also represents the vision of

“O (Omicron)” by Roman Tardy and Thomas Vaquie (2012)
Projection done in Hala Stulecia in Wroclow, Poland, the largest reinforced concrete dome built since the Pantheon. The building has a minimalist visual aesthetic presenting the visions of the future from the 1930’s. The building also represents the vision of

“Parasite” by The Green Eyl (2010)
parasite from thegreeneyl on Vimeo.