Author Archives: Jooooo

“High Five! Station” by Fra.Biancoshock (2013)
In front of metro station in Milan, the red sign and big hand invite people to do high five. It brings energy and fun to the station which is representative transportation in the city but also shows mundane urban life.

“High Five! Station” by Fra.Biancoshock (2013)
In front of metro station in Milan, the red sign and big hand invite people to do high five. It brings energy and fun to the station which is representative transportation in the city but also shows mundane urban life.

“MOSSengers” by El&Abe (2009)
El&Abe(Elly Stevens and Anna Garforth) draw graffiti on the pillar. Though it is obvious and simple message with words which is just written by moss, it claims to stand for voice of nature and sustainability for destroyed(or easily ignored)

“MOSSengers” by El&Abe (2009)
El&Abe(Elly Stevens and Anna Garforth) draw graffiti on the pillar. Though it is obvious and simple message with words which is just written by moss, it claims to stand for voice of nature and sustainability for destroyed(or easily ignored)

“Flock House Project” by Mary Mattingly et al. (2010-2013)
The Flock House project suggested the mobility of living space itself based on social and global fluctuation in today. It shows the most significant character of human society, “interdependence” with its combinable shape and at the same time, it reminds

“Flock House Project” by Mary Mattingly et al. (2010-2013)
The Flock House project suggested the mobility of living space itself based on social and global fluctuation in today. It shows the most significant character of human society, “interdependence” with its combinable shape and at the same time, it reminds

“Urban Geode” by A Common Name (2011-2015)
A Common Name filled cracks and holes in urban area with solid and polyhedral shapes made by paper. Metallic color and inward shape stimulate another dimension or space inside an urban area. More here…

“Urban Geode” by A Common Name (2011-2015)
A Common Name filled cracks and holes in urban area with solid and polyhedral shapes made by paper. Metallic color and inward shape stimulate another dimension or space inside an urban area. More here…

“Cameras” by SpY (2013)
Urban artist, SpY installed 150 fake surveillance cameras all heading for same direction. By exaggerating one of the representative urban elements, it brings up or derides many issues of living in urban like surveillance, shadow, privacy and so on. More here…

“Cameras” by SpY (2013)
Urban artist, SpY installed 150 fake surveillance cameras all heading for same direction. By exaggerating one of the representative urban elements, it brings up or derides many issues of living in urban like surveillance, shadow, privacy and so on. More here…