Author Archives: admin
Urban Projection Preparation
Mockup: Photoshop, layers, images with opacity; show scale, show architecture UP diagram: use the MUP icons to create a block diagram of the projection setup Projection Calculations: Use the projector calculator and google street view to figure out exact locations of your
Urban Projection Preparation
Mockup: Photoshop, layers, images with opacity; show scale, show architecture UP diagram: use the MUP icons to create a block diagram of the projection setup Projection Calculations: Use the projector calculator and google street view to figure out exact locations of your

Statuevision by Ali Momeni
what happens As part of the Near Futures for 5×5, a project of the DC Commission on the Arts and humanities, Statuevision celebrates monuments from around the DC area in a public and participatory video projection performance. The performance

Statuevision by Ali Momeni
what happens As part of the Near Futures for 5×5, a project of the DC Commission on the Arts and humanities, Statuevision celebrates monuments from around the DC area in a public and participatory video projection performance. The performance

One Brown Show by Lenka Clayton
2013 / various materials including parcel paper, cat food boxes, Play-Doh, CAD code, string, leather, food remnants from the dishwasher, leather, string, cardboard, brown paper, office supplies, plate steel, Cuban cigars, animal crackers, packing tape and hair, knitting, nut shells

One Brown Show by Lenka Clayton
2013 / various materials including parcel paper, cat food boxes, Play-Doh, CAD code, string, leather, food remnants from the dishwasher, leather, string, cardboard, brown paper, office supplies, plate steel, Cuban cigars, animal crackers, packing tape and hair, knitting, nut shells

Conflict Kitchen by Jon Rubin
Conflict Kitchen Pittsburgh, Pa (2010-present) Collaboration with Dawn Weleski PROJECT WEBSITE Conflict Kitchen is a restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict. The restaurant rotates identities every few months in relation to

Conflict Kitchen by Jon Rubin
Conflict Kitchen Pittsburgh, Pa (2010-present) Collaboration with Dawn Weleski PROJECT WEBSITE Conflict Kitchen is a restaurant that only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict. The restaurant rotates identities every few months in relation to