1) Skating as transportation (I skate pretty much everywhere instead of walking)
Input: Need to go somewhere
Output: Arriving quickly
Feedback: Being able to skate faster, deal with obstacles
Change: Walk everywhere
2)Drinking coffee
Input: Being busy and an insomniac leading to lack of sleep
Output: Feeling like I can function much better
Feedback: Figuring out the optimal amount of coffee to have in a day
Change: Keep detailed records of my coffee consumption and plan exact times to consume it
3) Djing parties
Input: Wanting to make people dance and enjoy themselves/myself
Output: People enjoying the music/enjoying the music myself
Feedback: Improving music choice and mixing ability
Change: Mix only genres of music that I’ve never played live before
4) Working with spray paint
Input: Wanting to produce large spray paint pieces
Output: Making pieces I like
Feedback: Practicing can control, improving technique, letting medium dictate concepts
Change: Only spray paint with the can upside down
5) Dealing with stress/intense life events
Input: Feeling stressed or “bad”
Output: Feeling better
Feedback: Improving general mental wellness by letting go of things, not procrastinating
Change: Stop drinking, only deal with things using meditation
6) Dealing with insomnia
Input: Not being able to sleep
Output: Finally sleeping
Feedback: Figuring out better ways to fall asleep reliably
Change: Only use melatonin instead of other substances, shut off all electronics an hour before bed
7) Staying in touch with parents
Input: Parents want to talk fairly often
Output: Parents are happy, I get to not be separated from my family
Feedback: Plan certain times to talk
Change: Video chat with parents in the middle of the week (when I would normally least want to)
8) How I carry things I need
Input: Needing to transport items
Output: Having access to many things
Feedback: Getting better backpacks, carefully choosing what I bring with me when I leave my house
Change: Don’t use any kind of container, including pockets, only carry things in my hands
9) Doing class assignments
Input: Getting an assignment
Output: Completing assignment
Feedback: Improving how I work, doing things sooner
Change: Not let myself work on a piece the night before it’s due, it all has to be done before then
10) How I go to the bathroom
Input: Needing to pee
Output: Successfully peeing
Feedback: Not waiting until I really, REALLY need to pee
Change: Only peeing outside