Laser Cutter Example: “Koi Puzzle” by Wenquing Yan (2012)

Artists,Laser Cutter,Reference,Technique — Kristina @ 5:14 pm



“Koi Puzzle” by Wenquing Yan is a Three-Dimensional Puzzle which moves like a fish would move, from side to side. Initially designed in Maya, then traced in illustrator and lasercut.


One can find more of Yan’s work here on deviantArt, which is her primary site. Here is the Koi Puzzle directly.


Laser Cutter Example: “Seaserpent” by Martin Tomsky (2013)

Artists,Laser Cutter,Reference,Technique — Kristina @ 5:08 pm


Seaserpent is a lasercut artwork by London-based illustrator Martin Tomsky. He says about whose personal work and illustrations for children are primarily about creating new worlds, unique characters to inhabit those worlds and to depict stories which bring them to life. (Taken from the about page of his website.)  This piece has a distinctly oriental feel which I enjoy as I feel the 2D oriental drawings work well with the two-and-a-half D nature of the lasercutter.


See more of Tomsky’s particularly beautiful work at his website. Unfortunately his images are not individually dated, but his copyright cites 2013, so that is the date I have used.


Laser Cutter Example: “Chalet Suisse Gothique” by Guy Flinkfor (2008)

Artists,Laser Cutter,Reference,Technique — Kristina @ 3:09 pm




This project is an aesthetic project by a Belgian artist who lasercuts in particular different ethnic buildings from all around the world. This particular piece is an extension of the découpage art tradition of Switzerland with a Gothic twist.  The overall look was achieved by lasercutting the façade and gluing these outer pieces onto an interior box. Chalet


(Unfortunately this artist only has a blog rather than an official website but I strive to combine the aesthetics achieved here with the concept of a lasercutter and therefore believe I can  justify presenting this piece. Part of the purpose of “découpage” art is that it takes an extremely long time and is extremely precise. Does using a lasercutter kill this or enhance it? My project will strive to answer this question through a process. This artwork only shows the one side.)


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